Drew K.
Birth Date -   June 21, 2011

Main Diagnosis -     HIE, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy

THEME:    "Inspirational Words"
Drew's Story

Drew was born full term via emergency c-section following a placental abruption. She was not breathing when she was born and had lost over 2/3 of her blood. She was taken to another hospital and had full body cooling for 3 days. Upon warming, she was diagnosed with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. She was given a very small chance of survival and we were told she would likely never breathe or open her eyes and would have no quality of life.

Drew did survive, and has a fabulous quality of life. She has her struggles for sure. She spent 69 days in the NICU and had many setbacks. She has been diagnosed with epilepsy, Dyskinetic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy,  has kidney reflux and one of her kidneys is not growing well. She is 3.5 and can't yet sit, feed herself, talk, or walk. These are all things she works on everyday.

Drew is in school, attends multiple therapies and works hard at everything. She has a smile that will melt your heart and a love for her sister and for life that is immeasurable.
"Thank You"

Drew got her quilt yesterday. It arrived at the perfect time.  I was having a tough day, and this quilt changes my mood completely.  Its absolutely beautiful and perfect for Drew.  I am forever grateful and you will never know the difference you make.
Thank you
Becky and Drew